What’s New May 2022
Bloom of the Flower Dragon Is Here! Dragon Masters 21: Bloom of the Flower Dragon, is in stores now! A Flower Dragon named Wildroot has come to Bracken for help. His home is in danger! Dragon Masters Drake and Ana must find Wildroot’s Dragon Master, Oskar. But Oskar...
Newsletter – January 2021
I hope this finds you all safe and well! My wonderful editor Katie Carella reminded me this morning that it’s been awhile since I’ve updated you, and she is correct! So here’s an update of what’s been going on, in case you missed it. A New Dragon Masters Villain! An...
What’s New April 2019
Dragon Masters 13: Eye of the Earthquake Dragon Can the Dragon Masters stop Maldred, the evil wizard, from controlling Naga the Earthquake Dragon? Find out in the latest exciting Dragon Masters adventure, on sale April 30. Available to order...
February 2018 Newsletter
Dragon Masters 9: Chill of the Ice Dragon IMina is a brave Dragon Master from the Far North Lands. She travels to Bracken to get help when her kingdom is under attack by a powerful Ice Giant named Vasty. Mina’s Ice Dragon, Frost, is under the giant’s control. Legend...
December 2018 Newsletter
Dragon Masters 12, What I Did This Summer, Shine of the Silver Dragon, Make a Dragon Stone and Twelve Days of Dragon Masters!