Countdown to Song of the Poison Dragon!
Dragon Masters #5: Song of the Poison Dragon, will be out on April 26! In it, you’ll meet the new Dragon Master, Petra, and learn more about the powers of the four-headed, poison-shooting hydra. You can help me count down to the book’s release. Starting April 1 I will...
September Newsletter 2015
Hi everyone! I hope you had a fun summer and that your school year is getting off to a great start. I had an exciting summer. Dragon Masters 4: Power of the Fire Dragon was released in July, and I began to work on the next Dragon Masters book. Dragon Masters 5 is...
DRAGON MASTERS 3 IS HERE! Secrets of the Water Dragon
Secrets of the Water Dragon was released on February 24 and is enjoying a top ten spot in Amazon’s Children’s Chapter book bestseller list. In this book, someone is trying to steal the Dragon Stone, and Bo is acting strangely. Does he have a secret? The...
Dragon Master Coloring Pages!
Dragon Master Coloring Pages!

Dragon Masters #2: Saving the Sun Dragon
Dragon Masters #2: Saving the Sun Dragon will be out on November 25! In this book, Ana’s Sun Dragon, Kepri, becomes ill. To help Kepri, the Dragon Masters travel far away to the land of pyramids. What they find there may surprise you (I hope)!