Email Tracey West

7 + 6 =

Snail Mail

I love to correspond with readers. I will try to answer you as quickly as possible, but please understand that I get lots of email and snail mail every day. Before you mail me a Flat Stanley, please email first to make sure I have the time to show Stanley around.

Tracey West
PO Box 368
Delhi, NY 13753

Writing a Book Report?

Please read the Biography and FAQs to see if the information you need is there. If you have specific questions that are not answered on the site, please include them in an email or letter to me and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.


Personal Appearances

Schools: During the months of October-November and January-April, I offer free, 20-minute virtual Q&A sessions to classroom educators and librarians who use Dragon Masters with their students. At this time my schedule does not allow me to do in-person bookstore visits.

Bookstores: I’m happy to discuss doing a Dragon Masters event at your bookstore! I don’t often travel but I am open to possibilities.

Book Festivals: You will often find me at children’s book festivals in the Northeast. Check the News and Events page to see where I might be next.